

The description of KY-006 3pin Miniature Passive Buzzer Alarm Sensor Module


  • Structural principle buzzer
  • (A) the introduction of the buzzer
  • 1. The role of the buzzer: buzzer is an integrated structure of electronic transducers, DC power supply, widely used in computers, printers, copiers, alarms, electronic toys, automotive electronic equipment, telephones, timers, etc. electronic products for sound devices.
  • 2. Buzzer Category: mainly divided into piezoelectric buzzer and two types of the electromagnetic buzzer.
  • 3. Buzzer circuit pattern symbols: the buzzer in the circuit by the letter “H” or “HA” (old standard with “FM”, “LB”, “JD”, etc.) indicates.
  • Schematic buzzer
  • (Two) structural principle buzzer
  • 1. Piezo Buzzer: piezoelectric buzzer mainly by the multivibrator, piezo buzzer, impedance matching and resonance box, casing and other components. Some piezo buzzer case is also equipped with light-emitting diodes.
  • Multivibrator constituted by the transistors or integrated circuits. When switched on (1.5V-15V DC working voltage), multi-harmonic oscillator start-up, the output 1.5-2.5kHZ audio signal, impedance matching push piezo buzzer sound.


  • Piezo buzzer by a lead zirconate titanate or lead magnesium niobate piezoelectric ceramic material. Both surfaces of the ceramic sheet plated silver electrode, the polarization, and the aging treatment, and then with brass or stainless steel sheet stick together.
  • 2. Magnetic Buzzer: electromagnetic buzzer by the oscillator, the electromagnetic coil, magnet, diaphragm and housing and other components.
  • After power on, the audio signal generated by the oscillator current through the electromagnetic coil.  The electromagnetic coil generates a magnetic field.
  • The electromagnetic coil and the diaphragm is the interaction of the magnet, periodically vibrating sound.
  • (Three) produced the buzzer
  • (1) Preparation of electromagnets M: about 6 cm in iron bolt 100 turns around the wire, leaving 5 cm for the line-side leads of the coil with a transparent adhesive tape is good, so the coil release tape and then stick it in a box, the electromagnet on the well.
  • (2) Preparation of shrapnel P: Cut from the iron cans on a width of 2 cm long iron, bent at right angles, the electromagnet is a wire connected to the shrapnel, and then tape the shrapnel close to the wood.
  • (3) to make contact with the paper clip Q, books elevate the clip with taped, leads to a wire, as shown in the circuit connected.
  • (4) adjusting the distance between the M and P (by moving the boxes), the electromagnet to attract shrapnel, adjust the distance between the contacts and the shrapnel so that they can just contact with energized after the beep can be heard.
  • (Four) active and passive buzzer buzzer
  • Teach you to distinguish between active and passive buzzer buzzer

Packages Include

1 × KY-006 3pin Miniature Passive Buzzer Alarm Sensor Module

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Weight 0.1 kg


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