

PICKIT 3.5 Programmer Offline Programming Simulation PIC Microcontroller Chip: PICkit3 Microchip In-Circuit Debugger / Programmer uses in-circuit logic debugging built into each chip with Flash memory to provide a low-cost hardware debugger and programmer. and this is the 3.5 Upgrade Kit, the best choice! after the upgrade advantages:


Features Of PICKIT 3.5 Programmer:

  1. Offline programming never stops, so download more smoothly and completely conquer all versions of MPLAB, MPLAB X.
  2. Each PICkit3.5 with a single serial number, MPLAB X under, can operate more Kit3.5.
  3. Increase the external power supply current, the output voltage is more stable.
  4. The interface protection is more perfect.
  5. USB (Full speed 12 Mbit / s host PC interface)
  6. Real-time
  7. MPLAB IDE compliant execution (free download from Microchip)
  8. Built-in over voltage / short circuit monitor
  9. Firmware upgradable from PC / Web download
  10. fully closed
  11. diagnostic LED ( power, busy, error)
  12. the program read/write and microcontroller memory data
  13. clear space with verification program memory
  14. Freeze-peripherals at breakpoint
  15. program up to 512K byte flash with the Programmer-to-Go
  16. ICSP cable included
  17. the package includes:
  18. 1Pcs PICkit3.5 PIC KIT3.5 Debugger Programmer Emulator PIC Controller Development Board 1Pcs
  19. Mini USB cable
  20. 1Pc-Pin flat cable

Package Includes In PICKIT 3.5

  •  PICKIT 3.5 Programmer
  •  USB cable
  •  jumper wire

PICKIT 3 Programmer:

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Detailed Overview of PICKIT 3.5:


  • The PicKit3 is an official Programmer cum Debugger from Microchip Technologies for PIC Microcontrollers.

PicKit 3 Pinout

Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 MCLR/Vpp Connected to Master clear external reset pin of PIC to reset the MCU before programming
2 VDD (Target) Target voltage of PIC, 5V or 3.3V
3 Ground Ground pin of the system
4 PGD/ICSPDAT Program Data(PDG) is connected to the In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) data pin
5 PGC/ICSPCLK Program Clock (PGC) is connected to In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) clock pin
6 No connection This pin is reserved for future use


PICKIT 3 Features:

  • Used to program and debug PIC microcontrollers
  • Easy to interface with PC via USB cable
  • Supports windows standard drivers
  • Has programmer to go feature where you can program without PC
  • Built-in Over Voltage and Short circuit Monitor
  • On-board diagnostic LED’s
  • Supports all latest version of PIC and IDE’s 

PicKit3 Overview

The PicKit3 can be used with MPLAX IDE running on Windows Platform to program or debug PIC Microcontrollers that support ICSP – In Circuit Serial Programming. Meaning the PIC can be programmed with only 2-wires (2-pins) PGD and PGC excluding the power pins.


When you purchase a PicKit 3 you will also get an USB cable, CD and header pins along with it. The USB cable is used to interface the PicKit 3 with PC and CD consists of the driver for your windows to recognize the PicKit 3. Apart from that the PicKit 3 itself has some on-board diagnostic LEDs and push button.

LED/Button Description
Power LED This LED lights up in green colour when the PicKit3 receives power
Active LED This LED lights up in blue colour when the Picit 3 can establish a communication link to our PC
Status LED This LED lights up in Yellow colour when the Pickit 3 is busy programming our PIC

It also lights up in Red colour if an Error occurs in the programming process

Push Button This push button is used “Programmer-to-go” where you can program your PIC without a PC


Difference between Pickit 2 and PicKit 3

The Pickit 2 is the predecessor of PicKit 3. Both do almost the same job, but Pickit 3 has some additional options and supports for latest versions of PIC. Also debugging will be a bit faster than Pickit 2. If you are a beginner, then even Pickit 2 would work fine. If you are looking for more advanced options like Logic analyzer built-in then have a look at ICD3. 


How to connect PicKit 3 with PIC microcontroller

The PicKit2 or PicKit3 can be used to PIC microcontrollers if the PIC supports ICSP programming. If they support ICSP programming look into their pinouts to find the Vpp, Vdd, Vss, ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK pins. The pin number of this pin will vary based on the IC package. The below image should give you a rough idea.

Once you find the pins simply connect them to Pickit respectively and program or debug you device. Remember that both the PIC as well as the PicKit should be powered during programming or debugging. Also be careful with the voltage you set in software, for example using 5V to program a 3.3V PIC might damage the IC or the PicKit permanently. This blinking tutorial should help you to understand how to use PicKit 3 to program a PIC microcontroller using the MPLAB IPE Environment.



  • Program PIC Microcontrollers
  • Debug PIC Microcontrollers
  • Code dumping in production process
  • Flashing or Firmware update.


Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

3 reviews for PICKIT 3.5 Programmer in Pakistan

  1. Rated 5 out of 5
    ( 5 review(s) )


    Best product.Easy to use and seller is very friendly.
    Thanks Seller.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5
    ( 5 review(s) )


    waht a product.fully satisfied

  3. Rated 5 out of 5
    ( 5 review(s) )


    best product!!!!!!!!!
    very friendly seller

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